How to Save Money at Christmas Time

Although Christmas seems to be far away still, it’s never too early to give it a thought or two, especially if you are on a shoestring budget. As a matter of fact, most of us are in the same situation, so we should all be thinking about ways to save for this important celebration.

It’s very easy to spend more than you can afford, thus impacting your overall financial situation in a negative way. Nonetheless, a few simple tricks can help you avoid the big financial troubles that usually come once winter holidays are over. All you need is to start your Christmas shopping spree earlier than most other people.

If you don’t know what to start with, you are welcome to read this article. I’ve put together a list of ways you can save on your Christmas spend without having to give up on buying everything you need for an awesome holiday.

  1. Plan early

If you plan everything before the month of December, you can find more time to search for bargains and special deals. Make a list of everything you need for your Christmas holidays early on in the fall. This is going to help you organize your time in a more effective manner, thus enabling you to fit in your Christmas shopping with your other daily chores. You can use a spreadsheet or write a simple list on a piece of paper. Just remember to do it before the big holidays rush.

Your list should include all people you want to buy presents for, as well as possible gift ideas for each of them. Like this, you can start searching for discount codes and special offers, thus saving a lot of money in the process.


  1. Be creative when it comes to decorating your home

You don’t have to spend a small fortune on Christmas decor. you may as well find everything you need in your local pound shops. Homemade decor is usually pretty impressive, so consider unleashing your creativity and putting your weekends to goo use. If you have children, get them involved in creating Christmas decor items. They are going to be thrilled about it, that’s for sure. You can also create your Christmas cards and your gift wrapping paper with very little investment. A little glue and a lot of glitter can do wonders, so forget about purchasing fancy decorations, and make your own ones.

You can create star biscuits with your children, top them with a fancy icing and use them to decorate your Christmas tree. Add a few tinfoil snowflakes and a bunch of candles, and your home is going to be all set to welcome Santa.


  1. Forget about big shopping

You may have heard of the 100 dollars toilet paper roll. Most people going to a supermarket to buy one toilet paper roll end up by spending $100 in average on various other things. Avoid getting trapped into this shopping spree, as it can be extremely daunting to your wallet. Buy all your needed supplies the weeks or even the months before Christmas, so that when the time comes you have almost everything you need to prepare your holidays in big style. You can save some money and a lot of time by not having to do the lines the week before Christmas.

The other way of saving some money is to replace expensive items with cheaper alternatives. For instance, drop and turkey and buy chicken. The meat is delicious and the price is much lower. Plan your Christmas meals and buy your supplies as early as possible.


  1. The thought is all that counts

If you have a very limited budget, make sure you shop around and buy your supplies early, and don’t shy away from suggesting a Secret Santa. Homemade gifts are awesome. They can be useful, but most important of all, they show you’ve thought about that person when creating the gift. Even if it’s small, such a personal gift may have a much higher value, as it shows you’ve created it with the other person in mind. Joint family gifts can also be a very cool idea that could save you a nice amount of money.


  1. Do your shopping the smart way

Many stores and online retailers issue voucher codes and discount coupons on Christmas time, so stay tuned and grab all offers you can find. Flash sale sites are also an excellent resource, so don’t forget to bookmark a few of them for the holidays. Mumsnet Discounts is one of the websites that publish exclusive deals from their partners. In addition, you could consider paying a visit to your local charity shops, and ask for freebies or for special deals and promotional offers. Since there are many retailers that work on commission, they are going to be happy for each and every sale they can make.

Second hand toys are also a good idea. If you can find some toys that look almost like new, you can put a large smile on the faces of your kids without creating a huge hole in your wallet. If you want to go this route, charity shops should be your best friends. Here’s where you can find the best stuff at unbelievable prices.

Last but not least, don’t forget the good old eBay, with its huge amount of stuff other people don’t need anymore. You may be able to find exactly what you wish for, and you can be sure the prices are going to be more than reasonable.

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